Variable designConst

design: {
    components: {
        daylight: DesignSet;
        standard: DesignSet;
        valarm: DesignSet;
        vcard: DesignSet;
        vcard3: DesignSet;
        vevent: DesignSet;
        vjournal: DesignSet;
        vtimezone: DesignSet;
        vtodo: DesignSet;
    defaultSet: DesignSet;
    defaultType: string;
    icalendar: DesignSet;
    strict: boolean;
    vcard: DesignSet;
    vcard3: DesignSet;
    getDesignSet(componentName) => DesignSet;
} = ...

The design data, used by the parser to determine types for properties and other metadata needed to produce correct jCard/jCal data.

Type declaration

  • components: {
        daylight: DesignSet;
        standard: DesignSet;
        valarm: DesignSet;
        vcard: DesignSet;
        vcard3: DesignSet;
        vevent: DesignSet;
        vjournal: DesignSet;
        vtimezone: DesignSet;
        vtodo: DesignSet;

    Holds the design set for known top-level components


    let propertyName = 'fn';
    let componentDesign =;
    let propertyDetails =[propertyName];
    if (propertyDetails.defaultType == 'text') {
    // Yep, sure is...
    • daylight: DesignSet

      iCalendar DAYLIGHT

    • standard: DesignSet

      iCalendar STANDARD

    • valarm: DesignSet

      iCalendar VALARM

    • vcard: DesignSet

      vCard VCARD

    • vcard3: DesignSet
    • vevent: DesignSet

      iCalendar VEVENT

    • vjournal: DesignSet

      iCalendar VJOURNAL

    • vtimezone: DesignSet

      iCalendar VTIMEZONE

    • vtodo: DesignSet

      iCalendar VTODO

  • defaultSet: DesignSet

    The default set for new properties and components if none is specified.

  • defaultType: string

    The default type for unknown properties

  • icalendar: DesignSet

    The design set for iCalendar (rfc5545/rfc7265) components.

  • strict: boolean

    Can be set to false to make the parser more lenient.

  • vcard: DesignSet

    The design set for vCard (rfc6350/rfc7095) components.

  • vcard3: DesignSet

    The design set for vCard (rfc2425/rfc2426/rfc7095) components.

  • getDesignSet:function
    • Gets the design set for the given component name.


      • componentName: string

        The name of the component

      Returns DesignSet

      The design set for the component

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