Class Time


iCalendar Time representation (similar to JS Date object). Fully independent of system (OS) timezone / time. Unlike JS Date, the month January is 1, not zero.


var time = new ICAL.Time({
year: 2012,
month: 10,
day: 11
minute: 0,
second: 0,
isDate: false





  • Creates a new ICAL.Time instance.


    • Optional data: TimeData

      Time initialization

    • Optional zone: Timezone

      timezone this position occurs in

    Returns Time


_cachedUnixTime: null | number = null
_pendingNormalization: boolean = false

Internal uses to indicate that a change has been made and the next read operation must attempt to normalize the value (for example changing the day to 33).

_time: Required<TimeData>
auto_normalize: boolean
day: number
hour: number
icalclass: "icaltime" | "vcardtime" = 'icaltime'

The class identifier.

isDate: boolean
minute: number
month: number
second: number
wrappedJSObject: Time
year: number
zone?: Timezone

The timezone for this time.

#epochTime: null | Time = null

The default weekday for the WKST part.



_dowCache: Record<number, number> = {}
_wnCache: Record<number, number> = {}
daysInYearPassedMonth: number[][] = ...

The days that have passed in the year after a given month. The array has two members, one being an array of passed days for non-leap years, the other analog for leap years.


var isLeapYear = ICAL.Time.isLeapYear(year);
var passedDays = ICAL.Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[isLeapYear][month];
fromData: ((aData, aZone?) => Time) = ...

Type declaration

    • (aData, aZone?): Time
    • Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the the passed data object.


      • aData: TimeData

        Time initialization

      • Optional aZone: Timezone

        Timezone this position occurs in

      Returns Time


  • get icaltype(): "date-and-or-time" | "date" | "date-time"
  • The type name, to be used in the jCal object. This value may change and is strictly defined by the ICAL.Time#isDate isDate member.

    Returns "date-and-or-time" | "date" | "date-time"


  • get epochTime(): Time
  • January 1st, 1970 as an ICAL.Time.

    Returns Time




  • Adds the duration to the current time. The instance is modified in place.


    • aDuration: Duration

      The duration to add

    Returns void

  • Adjust the date/time by the given offset


    • aExtraDays: number

      The extra amount of days

    • aExtraHours: number

      The extra amount of hours

    • aExtraMinutes: number

      The extra amount of minutes

    • aExtraSeconds: number

      The extra amount of seconds

    • Optional aTime: Required<TimeData>

      The time to adjust, defaults to the current instance.

    Returns Time

  • Returns a clone of the time object.

    Returns Time

    The cloned object

  • Compares the ICAL.Time instance with another one.


    Returns number

    -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater

  • Compares only the date part of this instance with another one.


    • other: Duration

      The instance to compare with

    • tz: Timezone

      The timezone to compare in

    Returns number

    -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater

  • Convert the instance into another timezone. The returned ICAL.Time instance is always a copy.


    Returns Time

    The copy, converted to the zone

  • Calculate the day of week.


    • Optional aWeekStart: WeekDay

      The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY

    Returns WeekDay

  • Calculate the day of year.

    Returns number

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the month. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.

    Returns Time

    The end of the month (cloned)

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the week. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.


    • Optional aWeekStart: WeekDay

      The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY

    Returns Time

    The end of the week (cloned)

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the year. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.

    Returns Time

    The end of the year (cloned)

  • Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object.


    • Optional aData: TimeData

      Time initialization

    • Optional aZone: Timezone

      Timezone this position occurs in

    Returns Time

  • Set up the current instance from the Javascript date value.


    • aDate: null | Date

      The Javascript Date to read, or null to reset

    • Optional useUTC: boolean

      If true, the UTC values of the date will be used

    Returns Time

  • Sets up the current instance from unix time, the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.


    • seconds: number

      The seconds to set up with

    Returns void

  • Get the dominical letter for the current year. Letters range from A - G for common years, and AG to GF for leap years.

    Returns string

    The dominical letter.

  • Checks if current time is the nth weekday, relative to the current month. Will always return false when rule resolves outside of current month.


    • aDayOfWeek: WeekDay

      Day of week to check

    • aPos: number

      Relative position

    Returns boolean

    True, if it is the nth weekday

  • Finds the nthWeekDay relative to the current month (not day). The returned value is a day relative the month that this month belongs to so 1 would indicate the first of the month and 40 would indicate a day in the following month.


    • aDayOfWeek: number

      Day of the week see the day name constants

    • aPos: number

      Nth occurrence of a given week day values of 1 and 0 both indicate the first weekday of that type. aPos may be either positive or negative

    Returns number

    numeric value indicating a day relative to the current month of this time object

  • Reset the time instance to epoch time

    Returns void

  • Reset the time instance to the given date/time values.


    • year: number

      The year to set

    • month: number

      The month to set

    • day: number

      The day to set

    • hour: number

      The hour to set

    • minute: number

      The minute to set

    • second: number

      The second to set

    • Optional timezone: Timezone

      The timezone to set

    Returns void

  • First calculates the start of the week, then returns the day of year for this date. If the day falls into the previous year, the day is zero or negative.


    • Optional aFirstDayOfWeek: WeekDay

      The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY

    Returns number

    The calculated day of year

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the month. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.

    Returns Time

    The start of the month (cloned)

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the week. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.


    • Optional aWeekStart: WeekDay

      The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY

    Returns Time

    The start of the week (cloned)

  • Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the year. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a date-time.

    Returns Time

    The start of the year (cloned)

  • Subtract the date details (excluding timezone). Useful for finding the relative difference between two time objects excluding their timezone differences.


    • aDate: Time

      The date to subtract

    Returns Duration

    The difference as a duration

  • Subtract the date details, taking timezones into account.


    • aDate: Time

      The date to subtract

    Returns Duration

    The difference in duration

  • Returns an RFC 5545 compliant ical representation of this object.

    Returns string

    ical date/date-time

  • Converts the current instance to a Javascript date

    Returns Date

  • Converts time to into Object which can be serialized then re-created using the constructor.

    Returns Record<string, any>


    // toJSON will automatically be called
    var json = JSON.stringify(mytime);

    var deserialized = JSON.parse(json);

    var time = new ICAL.Time(deserialized);
  • The string representation of this date/time, in jCal form (including : and - separators).

    Returns string

  • Converts the current instance to seconds since January 1st 1970.

    Returns number

    Seconds since 1970

  • Calculates the UTC offset of the current date/time in the timezone it is in.

    Returns number

    UTC offset in seconds

  • Calculates the ISO 8601 week number. The first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday. The year can have 53 weeks, if January 1st is a Friday.

    Note there are regions where the first week of the year is the one that starts on January 1st, which may offset the week number. Also, if a different week start is specified, this will also affect the week number.


    • aWeekStart: WeekDay

      The weekday the week starts with

    Returns number

    The ISO week number



  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any
    • attr: any

    Returns 0 | 1 | -1

  • Returns the days in the given month


    • month: number

      The month to check

    • year: number

      The year to check

    Returns number

    The number of days in the month

  • Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date string, e.g 2015-01-02.


    • aValue: string

      The string to create from

    Returns Time

    The date/time instance

  • Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date-time string, e.g 2015-01-02T03:04:05. If a property is specified, the timezone is set up from the property's TZID parameter.


    • aValue: string

      The string to create from

    • Optional prop: Property

      The property the date belongs to

    Returns Time

    The date/time instance

  • Create a new ICAL.Time from the day of year and year. The date is returned in floating timezone.


    • aDayOfYear: number

      The day of year

    • aYear: number

      The year to create the instance in

    Returns Time

    The created instance with the calculated date

  • Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the given Javascript Date.


    • aDate: null | Date

      The Javascript Date to read, or null to reset

    • useUTC: boolean

      If true, the UTC values of the date will be used

    Returns Time

  • Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date or date-time string,


    • aValue: string

      The string to create from

    • Optional aProperty: Property

      The property the date belongs to

    Returns Time

    The date/time instance

  • Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date string, e.g 2015-01-02.


    • str: string

      The string to create from

    Returns Time

    The date/time instance


    Use ICAL.Time.fromDateString instead

  • Get the dominical letter for the given year. Letters range from A - G for common years, and AG to GF for leap years.


    • yr: number

      The year to retrieve the letter for

    Returns string

    The dominical letter.

  • Checks if the year is a leap year


    • year: number

      The year to check

    Returns boolean

    True, if the year is a leap year

  • Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the current moment. The instance is “floating” - has no timezone relation. To create an instance considering the time zone, call ICAL.Time.fromJSDate(new Date(), true)

    Returns Time

  • Returns the date on which ISO week number 1 starts.


    • aYear: number

      The year to search in

    • aWeekStart: WeekDay

      The week start weekday, used for calculation.

    Returns Time

    The date on which week number 1 starts



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